Monday, 2 November 2009

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

University of Nottingham Islamic Society presents

***The best day of my life – The day I became Muslim***
with brother Ibrahim Danby

Make the best of this opportunity to hear the experiences of brother Ibrahim,
What were the challenges he faced?
How did his family and friends react?
What changes did he have to make to his lifestyle? And a whole lot more..

It’s also a chance for all of us to ask questions and pick up creative means of Dawah. Who else would be better to inform us on how best to call to the oneness of Allah and spread the message of the Prophet (pbuh).

When? Thursday 5th November 2009 at 18.45 (after Isha prayer)

Where? Room B62, Law & Social Sciences building

Refreshments will be provided

***Hope to see you there and remember to bring your friends along***

Ibn MuSa
Dunkirk 1430 H

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