Thursday, 14 January 2010

Who you are determines how you see and use something

Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim

Exams are back! So far, I have gone through 2 papers, very heavy ones, and going to face another 2 more. Next in line is on Saturday about Biomolecular Therapeutics. Last year's batch shown quite a number of student failed this module. I don't want to be the one who repeats this history. (May Allah give me the strength to face this paper and all other obstacles. Amin).

About the topic, who you are determines what you see, how you use something. As example I am quite new with the IT era (to be honest). I only knew about Youtube around 2004 or 2005 when I did my A Levels. Before that, I barely touch the computer and had a better outdoor life. (No offence, computer geeks). One of the most interesting website so far is Youtube.

When I first know Youtube, I always search around videos of my interest including my favourite music band (Metallica) and favourite sports (Basketball). But from time to time, I started to get bored and I felt like almost all videos on these 2 aspects I have watched at least once. I felt like Youtube wasted a lot of my time and this is persistent with reminder from my housemate. Please do not "Lagho" with Youtube. (Lagho means doing something unbeneficial) However, when ever I go online, I must at least visit Youtube at least once (accidentally or not).

So...What else to search in Youtube eh?

I recently developed a new way of revision, which is using Youtube! Who knows, what ever things you want to know is videolised (is there such word?) there. An example is, video about RNAi approach (one of the topics in the Biomoleculare Therapeutics module). Well, it further enhances my understanding by seeing it visually.

Let me share you this. Please don't fall asleep, it is only around 4 minutes long.

Other things I've found so far which aids my revision was about how retrovirus functions, how immune system works, etc. Great way of utilising the technology, right?

As conclusion, who you are determines how you see and use something. If you see Youtube as a way to entertain yourself, you will find it. If you see Youtube as lagho, you will feel guilty whenever you use it. If you see it as a way to assist your knowledge of something by seeing it visually, you will get it!

Back to revision.

Dunkirk 2010
Ibn MuSa

1 comment:

  1. tahniah, kembali update...

    u have more to give bro..

    what u give u get back batu..

    jgn lupa check email gak batu..

    p/s: ak hampir tertido..haha
