Saturday 6 June 2009

Voluntary Work

Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim

One thing I am very impressed about people who live, study or work in the UK is their passion in contributing towards charity. People are willing to do anything, as long as they can achieve what they believe is best to help their charity. There are alot of people donate clothes, cutlery, furniture, electronic items, shoes, books, you name it to charity shop like British Heart Foundation, Oxfam, Cancer Research and others. People willing to run for 10 miles, cycle for aroun 40 miles and other things in order to fundraise and earn something for the charity.

If only people here pledge that no God but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah... If they do, subhanallah I can't imagine how much reward they gain in the life after death.

Malaysian student who studies abroad like in UK and Ireland did not waste this opprotunity, learning the spirit of helping others and contributing to charity. I am proud that 3 of my close friends volunteered themselves to fundraise in supporting an humanitary event in Cambodia, called Cambodia Relief Mission 09.

Thumbs up Firdaus, Shafie and Fairuz! May Allah accept your work as a good deed, and bless you with his Rahmah InsyaAllah.

Ibn MuSa
Dunkirk 2009

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