Monday, 27 September 2010

Syawal Fasting 1431H: 10 days left

Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim

Today is the 19th Syawal 1431H. We only have roughly 10 or 11 days left for this year's Syawal. So to all who have not yet fasted the 6 voluntary days of Syawal, please do so as the time is running out. Please do start it today but if you forgot or decided not to fast today, have the intention and fast starting tomorrow!

I remember what I learn from Quran Workshop in university which discussed about verse 184 of Surah Al-Baqarah. It was mentioned that the previous generation, they were prescribed fasting like us now days. However, they fasted 3 days every Lunar Calendar throughout the year. Therefore, the total days fasted were 36 days every year. I see it that since this fasting was done consistently, 3 days every month, it is like doing it through out the year. The ummah of Muhammad SAW, we are prescribed with compulsory Ramadhan fasting for about 30 days and 6 days of voluntary Syawwal fasting. Hence the total is also 36 days and the reward is similar to fasting throughout the year.


Ibn MuSa
Dunkirk 2010
Syawwal 1431H

Photographer vs Photoshoper

Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim

One of my passion since school is photography. It started in secondary school but never got it bloom because I had no camera that time, always have to "make bookings" first with my sister as we shared our parent's compact camera and back then I didn't get the exposure I'd love to have. This lovely passion came back to life during my A-Levels when I joined the photography club. That was when I started to get my hands on digital point-and-shoot cameras and single lens reflect (SLR) cameras. Boy, how I love them so much. Thank you Dr Foord for the guide you shared with me.

However, during A-Levels a lot of my friends developed the skills and knowledge of photo editing especially using Photoshop. Up to one level, I can't really tell which of their photos were original, which were edited. They claimed that the purpose of digitalisation of everything, including photography, is to make post editing more easy and convenient. True, but I don't buy that.

Until I bought a DSLR, went some photo outings with new friends who share the same interest, then only I realised that post-editing is as important as snapping the greatest photo. Thanks to 2 of my lovely friends; Syafiq and Faiz, who taught me some post-editing techniques, now I can appreciate what photoshop can do.

But I still prefer something fresh, straight out of camera rather than editing them afterwards. After all, I would like to claim myself as a photographer, not a photoshoper.

Anyway, here are some of the photos I produced after learning some basics of HDR photography. Have a look. The first photos are original and the seconds are edited into HDR photos.

Photo 1: Kensington Gardens, London, England

Photo 2: Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, Turkey

Photo 3: Shakespear's Birthplace, Stratford Upon Avon, Warwickshire, England.

Photo 4: Attenborough, Nottingham, England

Yup, post editing does bring some life to the original photo but I still prefer straight out of camera photos.

Ibn MuSa
Dunkirk 2010
Syawal 1431H

Friday, 10 September 2010

Syawal 1431H

Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim

Allahuakbar Allahuakbar Allahuakbar
Lailahaillallah Wallahu Akbar
Allauakbar Walillahilhamd

Allah the Greatest, Allah the Greatest, Allah the Greatest
No object worth to be worshiped except Allah and Allah is the Greatest
Allah the Greatest and to Allah all the praises belong to.

Let us all listen to some message and reminder from Tok Guru Datuk Seri Hj Abdul Hadi Awang, the President of PAS (Islamic Party Pan-Malaysia).

Allahuakbar Allahuakbar Allahuakbar
Lailahaillallah Wallahu Akbar
Allauakbar Walillahilhamd

Allah the Greatest, Allah the Greatest, Allah the Greatest
No object worth to be worshiped except Allah and Allah is the Greatest
Allah the Greatest and to Allah all the praises belong to.

Ibn MuSa
Dunkirk 2010
Syawal 1431H

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Ramadhan in Foreign Land

Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim

In 9 days time, it will be 4 years has gone by since I stepped my foot onto this land of England, the land of people who colonised my country, ruined it, extracted all the wealth to be brought back and left when we were exhausted with resources.

Ok, that's a bad way of visualizing England. In a good way, this is an eye opener country for those who seek the experience.
4 years in the making, and 5 times of Ramadhan away from my family. If I stayed behind till 10th Zulhijjah, it will be 10 Eids I celebrated in the UK. Quite an achievement for me as I can't imagine myself doing it again.

A lot of things happened, lot of things I've learn and many room for improvements. What ever it is, the Ramadhan in England will be one of the most memorable event for me in this life. Not everybody have the chance of experiencing long day of fasting and short night for qiam.

Alright, let the photo do the talking :)

(OMG! I just realised I didn't capture much photos of "moments"... sigh... )

First Ramadhan (1427H)

Second Ramadhan (1428H)

Third Ramadhan (1429H)

Forth Ramadhan (1430H)

Final Ramadhan (1431H)

As usual, photographers rarely appear in photographs. Sigh... What ever it is, let's make doa that all our deeds are accepted by Allah, bless us with his Rahmah and Mercy and free us from the hell fire insyaAllah.

Allahumma innaka afuwun karimun tuhibb ul-afwa fa'fuanna.

Ramadhan Kareem, Ramadhan Mubarak.

Ibn MuSa
Dunrkirk 2010

Ramadhan 1431H