Monday, 14 February 2011

Maulid Rasul: an Open Letter to a Person Name Saiful

Maulid Rasul: an open letter to a person name Saiful


Dear Saiful,

I hope you are in your greatest state of Iman insyaAllah.
During this blessed day of Maulid Rasul, let us all recite as many selawat to our prophet, Nabi Muhammad SAW, as we can to show our love to him.

Allahumma solli ala saiyidina Muhammad

Dear Saiful,

I'd like to take this opportunity to remind myself and to you that showing love to the prophet is not only via selawat and parades like we use to do, practicing the teachings of Islam is another way for us to show our love to him. Allow me to suggest something, which is what was taught by the prophet that we love some much. This can make your court trials versus DS Anwar Ibrahim on the sodomy case comes to a conclusion at no time at all.

My suggestion is: Can you please accept Qazaf as the method for the trial? It is simple, just provide 4 witnesses that DS Anwar sodomised you and the case will be over in no time. If you can't come up with the witnesses, I suggest you keep quiet and apologies to DS Anwar for the accusation. Case close.

Islam teaches that we will die and after death we will enter the hereafter. There, we all will get the suitable punishment for all the things we've done. Every single one, every single action. Absolute justice will prevail there but not here.

SITUATION 1: you did not come up with 4 witnesses.

In this case, I suggest you to keep quiet and ask apologies from DS Anwar for the heavy accusation. I am sure he will forgive you and will put things at the past. The reason is if you can't provide the witnesses, the suitable punishment for you is 80 times of being whipped and all your swear, testification and witness will not be accepted in the future.

If he did sodomise you, he will be cursed (laknat) by Allah in this life and will be punish in the hereafter. While you on the other hand will be rewarded for obeying Islam and being patient in facing this situation. Allah might grant you paradise for this. Remember, Allah is with the patient people.

In case he did not sodomised you, you apologize and he accepted, you will be free from the punishment in this world and in the hereafter. After all, Allah Pardons and Forgives so never lose hope on his forgiveness.

Case closed.

SITUATION 2: you came up with 4 witnesses.

If the witnesses are genuine and DS Anwar did sodomised you, pleaded or found guilty, he will be stoned to death in public. You will achieve justice, are free and your dignity will be restored. This also gives justice and saves DS Anwar from the more severe punishments in the hereafter because he is willing to be stoned to death according to Islamic laws. Allah is the ultimate Just and Fair, He is also Pardons and Forgives.

Case closed.

If the witnesses firmly saying DS Anwar sodomise you and Anwar denies it, then there must be either party is telling lie but we won't know who is lying. Therefore all people must swear and testify in the name of Allah that you are telling the truth and if you are lying, may Allah's curses be upon you.

Then, I am not sure whether Anwar will be stoned to death or not. (i need to refer back to the Islamic books regarding Qazaf). If not mistaken, he gets stoned to death.

If he gets stoned to death, it will be done in public so that no one else may repeat the same case again. He will obtain the absolute justice in the hereafter. He will be rewarded because of his patience and strong believe in Islamic laws. He maybe granted paradise because he is the oppressed people in this case.

You and your witnesses will face Allah's curse (laknat) in this life and hereafter because of the oppression you've done that cost another Muslim's life, shatters his dignity and leaves widow and orphans behind. On this world you maybe save but not for eternity.

Case closed.

Whatever it is,the only solution for this case is via Qazaf. Not by swearing and taking oath in a mosque nor via any other methods.

Therefore Saiful, shall we agree on using Qazaf to settle this? Let's settle it via the Islamic way, via the teachings of our prophet. What more honor can we give him on his Maulid day other than believing without a doubt in his teachings and applying in our daily lives.

Let us take the opportunity of Maulid Rasul to practice his teachings and continuing this case via Qazaf insyaAllah.

Allahumma solli ala saiyidina Muhammad

(ps: correct me if I'm wrong)

Yours truly
Ibn MuSa
City of Knowledge 2011
13 Rabiul Awal 1432

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