Saturday 16 May 2009

Happy Teachers Day

Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim

This morning, I woke up after hearing my housemate singing the "Guru Malaysia" song. I was thinking, is he out of his mind or what? Then after "starting the day" by reading some blogs, news and articles, then I found the answer to his "weird" action.

Today is the 16th May! How can I forgot that! In Malaysia, 16th May is a special day dedicated to all the teachers; The Teachers Day. Therefore, I want to wish to all my teachers since the day I was born till today and till my final breath.

Mama, bapak, all my siblings, my friends, my kindergarten mates, my school mates, my subject teachers, my housemates, my murabbi, my naqib, my ustazs and ustazahs, my housemates, my Tuan Guru....basically everybody.

Why everybody? Well, basically whether we realised or not, we are teachers to one and another. Whether we cherish the teachings or not is another thing. But we are all teachers. Teaching by examples, by advise, by correcting what is wrong, by teaching new stuff and by many other ways you can think of.

But out of all, of course Rasulullah is the best teacher, best example EVER. Let as all make salawat to him.

Mama and bapak, you are not forgotten. Don't worry ;)

*Back to revision

Ibn MuSa
Dunkirk 2009

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